It only makes sense to make a bottom ten list to compliment the top ten of the year, right? Right? Well, not really if you're me. You see, I listen to pop when I'm home and have to drive places. At college, 7/12 months of the year, I don't listen to too much. I must use what I remember to compile these lists. When I hear a bad pop song, I change the channel. I only recall the ones that I've done that to many times and I only have the year-end top 100 to recall the songs I hate. I couldn't instantly recall 10 awful pop songs of the year. Therefor I made a bottom 5 with another list of 5 to accommodate.
Secondly, it's important to note the similarities of this bottom five. By bottom five, it's the songs I don't wanna hear on the radio. I hear these songs and change the station because I don't want to hear. Yes, thinks can be lyrically bad, INCREDIBLY lyrically stupid and, to some extent, offensive, but if the music is still enjoyable and the song is generally fun to listen to, it's not showing up.
Finally, I present the top 5 pop songs of 2013 that I reeeaaally shouldn't like. Like, I'd be a bit embarrassed to express to the world my enjoyment. These are arranged not at all by the quality of the song, but rather how difficult it is to explain why I like it, and how much liking that contradicts my preferences.
Any questions? No? Good.
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