30. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (PS3)
Now interestingly enough, I never actually owned this game, but I did complete it 3 times on varying difficulties and got its platinum trophy. I also never played any of the other Uncharted games for whatever reason. I played the online multiplayer a few times 'cause my internet was shit, and the deathmatch was pretty annoying, but the co op was actually really fun. And, most importantly, the singleplayer was incredibly fun, I enjoyed the characters, I enjoyed the combat. Oh, and cheats in-game are awesome.
29. Spyro The Dragon: Year Of The Dragon (PS1)
This game should require no description because if you had a Playstation, you played Spyro. And if not, you suck at games. This game is great and I've always been itchin to go back and replay it and just never got around to it. I'm sure if I did, it would still hold up.
28. Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back (PS1)
It was difficult choosing between this and warped. I think I had to pick this one because I got it first and played it to death all the time. And like Spyro 3, if you had a Playstation, you should have played this game.
27. Mario Kart: Double Dash (GC)
You know, these later games on the list are all about difficulties in choosing iterations. It was tough between this and 64, and I never owned the DS one but hear it's great. But yeah, although I'm not particularly big into racers, kart racers are the shit. Especially this one. BABY PARK ALL THE WAY.
26. Mario Party 2 (N64)
Fuck this game.
25. Dead Rising 2/Off The Record (360)
Now, this game is just pure, visceral fun. Ever wanna destroy zombies by charging through them with a lawnmower blade on your head? Or just knock em over with a tricycle? Or ANYTHING? This game definitely has some problems, as it's kinda slow moving around, it's annoying with no sprint button, and platforming is kind of annoying, but I've tossed so much time into this game. And no, I can't decide which I like better. Off the Record added a new area and some other stuff, but is just Dead Rising 2.5. And I played Dead Rising 2 earlier. But both are excellent.
24. Guitar Hero 2 (PS2/360)
Now, I play rhythm games. I play rhythm games. And I did start with Guitar Hero. GH 1. I started on easy on that one, played up til expert. Then I jumped in Guitar Hero 2 on expert and never turned back. Guitar Hero 2 is such an upgrade over the first one. Bigger, (arguably) better setlist, HOPOs that actually WORK, and awesome multiplayer! This game is a classic and I still play it every once in a while.
23. Donkey Kong Country (SNES)
1st SNES game I had, and what a game it is. It's wonderful. Excellent platforming, still holds up. Love the art style, the music, the environments. If you're a platforming fan, this game is a necessity.
22. Bully (PS2/360)
It's sometimes difficult to pinpoint exactly why I like a game, and such is the case for this one. There's no one thing to point at with this game, everything just clicks and is awesome. The people are cool, the environment is excellent, riding bikes and go karts are fun, EVERYTHING is just great. If there was a Bully 2 announced, I'd pre-order it instantly. 1000/1000 points in scholarship edition!
21. Downhill Domination (PS2)
This game is another game that I can come back to whenever I want. Extreme mountain biking? Where you throw bottles at people and do backflips and shit? I was even introduced this game partway into the 7th generation of consoles and went BACK to the PS2 to play this game. It kicks that much ass.
20. Skate 2 (360)
For a certain other skateboarding game, I was really into these certain skateboarding games. From then, I was always interested in Skate. I picked up Skate 2 for 20 bucks one day off a whim and oh, what a purchase it was. I've beaten this game twice, as well as Skate 3. These games are the tits. Another game I'd probably preorder once it's announced.
19. Sims 2 (PS2/Xbox)
I believe this is the only game where it's important to specify which platform this is on. I played the hell out of this game with my sister because it's split screen and controls vastly different than on PC. It's mostly the same kinda sim objectives and gameplay, but this one has you controlling your character DIRECTLY. Playing this with a friend is always fun and I can still fall back on it if necessary. AND I bought 2 copies of it after losing the first one.
18. LittleBigPlanet (PS3)
This game is a masterpiece. The music is wonderful, the aesthetic can't be beaten, playing with friends, which devolves into slapping simulator is always fun. I even enjoyed making levels in it! And the only trophies I don't have in it are bullshit trophies in getting other people to like your shit. What are the odds of that?!
17. Super Mario World (SNES)
This used to be Super Mario All Stars + Super Mario World, but I decided to be less of a bitch and be more decisive. AGAIN, VERY tough to choose between this, Super Mario Bros 3, and Super Mario World 2. I stuck with this one as it was the first I had, I think. I played the hell out of it, and it, again, still holds up and is fun.
16. Rollercoaster Tycoon (PC)
The first one was soooo good, the next one was preeetty good and the third one was shit. Or at least I dismissed it from vastly changing everything. But in terms of kid-friendly RTS simulation games, nothing can top this. Still fun to play, easy fall back game.
15. Shivers (PC)

14. Star Wars Battlefront 2 (PS2/Xbox)
The internet loves this game, I love this game. And rightly so! Some people say it doesn't hold up and thos people are WRONG. I still play this all the time, split screen, on Xbox. Why doesn't the PC version allow multiplayer galactic conquest?
13. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City (PS2)
Still waiting for a better Grand Theft Auto game. Part of it's the amazing soundtrack, part of it's the wonderful environment, part of it's the fact that this is the first ps2 game I played (when I was like 10), but this game is just tops. A classic. And as a side note, I'd like to say that I can become connected to Tommy Vercetti. I like him, unlike three other grand thefting protagonists...
12. Super Smash Brother Melee (GC)
Should this be higher? Maybe. It's important to say that I hate one on one fighters because I'm not very competitive when it comes to PvP. But this game is the exception to fighting games. It controls well, it has a high skill ceiling, and can be fun on multiple levels. The best GC game, as well as the best fighting game.
11. Top Gear (SNES)
I hate realistic racing games. This isn't that. It's just a fun, simple racing game with nitro and pit stops. Also, interestingly, it can only ever do split screen. If you're on your own, it tosses a computer in on the bottom half of the screen. Still fun nonetheless. Best racing game.
10. Left 4 Dead (360/PC)
It's interesting, I had so much fun with this game some time ago, a fun I haven't had with L4D2, and actually haven't even been able to recreate it with the 1st one as well. Maybe I just gotta keep playing with friends, more friends. So if you have L4D, PLAY WITH ME. I love it. This game is damn good zombie fun.
9. Borderlands (PS3/PC/360)
I don't remember quite why I bought this game, but I brought it home, played it with a friend, and 7 hours later, we decided we should call it a day and go to sleep. This still happens occasionally. This game is addictive, the guns are fun, the environment is pretty fun, and I can play this game (and do) on a whim with friends as well. It's still pretty fun.

8. Pokemon Silver (GBC)
You know, I had gold as a kid, then my mom took it away and it was never seen again. But I try not to play anything past gen 2 cause I can nitpick the fuck out of em. Silver was the height of Pokemon. I enjoyed it's aesthetic and music more than any other, and the fact that it let you play two regions is even better.
7. Bioshock (PS3/360)
If there's anything to note from this list, I tend not to play games for their story, but for their gameplay. This game has an incredible both. This game might possibly have my #1 favorite story of any game and I don't even mind the final boss fight. I've beaten this game at least 5 times on varying difficulties on varying systems and loved every minute of it. Platinum on PS3 as well as 1100/1100 on 360.
6. Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (PS3/360/PC)
I can describe my thoughts of Call of Duty in one sentance. CoD 4 was incredible and every one after was worse after. Black Ops was the last "good" one. But nothing will ever beat 4 for how clean the gunplay felt, how solid the story was, and how much fun I had in the online multiplayer. Unfortunately it's impossible to play on consoles anymore as it's riddled with hackers, but the fun I had in this game in the matches and even in private lobbies with friends I've made online makes it near impossible to be beaten by another game in its genre.
5. Portal (PS3/360)
It's weird, I unfortunately heard Still Alive before playing this game, but it's still an incredibly charming song to end an incredible game. This is my list of favorite games, but in a list of "best games ever," this would probably be #1 for how clean the game is, how everything just fits. The only complaint is its short length, but at least it can't overstay welcome, right? 200/200 in the 360 standalone.
4. Minecraft (PC/360)
People will occasionally say that this isn't a game because there's no objective. Those people can fuck right off. I've sank so many hours into this and have created some things I'm really proud of. This game is fun on PC, this game is fun on 360, split screen. It's hard to find the things to say about this, because what can you say? It's fun to play and I think everyone should give it a try at some point.
3. Kirby Superstar (SNES)
I've played this game so much as a kid with my sister. It's so much fun and has wonderful co op. Again, hard to find things to say about it, but there's almost nothing bad I could ever say about it. I hold this game dear to my heart.
2. Tony Hawk's Underground 2 (PS2)
To those who keep saying that THPS 2 or THUG1 is the best, I will forever disagree. This game feels so nice and has incredible flow. Yeah, people hold the story of THUG1 above this, and I do agree that it's better, but I don't care about a tory in a Tony Hawk game. I care about skating and doing outrageous shit. AND this game has classic mode. Soundtrack is also kickin, there's no doubt about it. I've beaten this game more times than I can care to count, AND I've gotten all the gaps in it. That's dedication.
1. Rock Band (series) (PS3)
I. PLAY. RHYTHM. GAMES. I play them so goddamn much, I haven't met a person better than me at rhythm games, on guitar OR drums. I've bought every console Rock Band game to add to my collection. I have like 400 songs in Rock Band 3 to choose from. It will always be a game I can go back and play as well as being the #1 party game ever. Nothing beats 3 dudes shouting into a mic as loud as they can. There will never be a series I put more time more time or more money into let alone both, not even Runescape which really should be somewhere on this list... ANYWAYS, yes, Rock Band. I choose it over Guitar Hero as well because each main iteration of Rock Band is a vast improvement on its predecessor, instead of Guitar Hero continuously milking the franchise and genre into oversaturation. These games ROCK.
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