Monday, December 30, 2013


It's about time I post my damn lists in an easier place to discover than, you know, Faaaaceboooooook.... So with the aid of AJ Alonzo, I created this. What a brilliant idea, if only I had thought of it, right? I'll use this introductory paragraph to state that I try my best to only ever claim my lists as being my top FAVORITE of things. Yes, that's FAVORITE, so, not only is it going to be different than yours, it subject to change. And it will change. All the lists I've made already have changed! Another thing to note is that I may post non-list related things on here. Should I make a separate blog and use it as a journal? Eh, probably. So if that happens, disregard those last few sentences.


  1. Hey I got linked and stuff! I'll do the same for you when I upload my TOP 100 FAVORITE SONGS OF ALL TIME list. Also I hate you for giving me the idea, there goes a few days.

    1. To be completely fair, Jacob Drennan initially created the top 100 songs list quite some time ago. My first lists were all me just pushing off that list until later until I finally buckled down and did it.
